Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some fool STOLE MY JOY!!!!

Y'all, somebody stole my JOY!!!

I don't know if it was the Scotia Bank lady when she told me I couldn't open a Canadian Credit Card unless I had $1,000 cash to secure it (cuz I'm not a Canuck).

Maybe it was the insurance company, who probably won't reimburse the $115 expense for holistic treatment because it's well...holistic.

Maybe it's the Solomobile crew that won't replace my irritable cell phone that keeps shutting itself off (now they want to verify the date of purchase before they give me a ticket number to get it replaced.  They screw up the paperwork and now I can't have a 100% continuous phone call?!!?!?!?)

Maybe it was my beloved Polar Bear who snuck my joy in his back pocket when he moved to Toronto a month ago. 

At this point, I don't care who stole my joy, but girlfirend is on a mission to get my *ish BACK! 

  1. First, I'm going to thank God for my blessings.
  2. Next, I'm gonna acknowledge the good spirit of my friends Karo in Italy and Jami in Atlanta, who were somehow moved by the universe to reach out at this exact point in timeand send me some snail mail (filled with warm, loving energy) which I adore!!!!!
  3. Next, I'm going to belly-dance.  Fo FREE at a place in Byward Market tonight.  I can't wait!
  4. Also, I'm planning the Polar Bear's B-day gift....that's keeping me really busy!!!!
  5. I'm gonna re-program my goals.  I've gotten off track a bit - professionally, I'm not as focused as I was say, a year ago.  I need to get that lined up again.
  6. I'll also focus on drinking water.  It seems to wash away all the funky energy on the inside.  I'll get a soothing colonic, too......that will HOPEFULLY be reimbursed by the insurance company:)
  7. I think I'll hit up some nicely minded bloggers and send supportive comments their way.  It's a lonely universe out here!
  8. I'll also think creatively about what I can do for my Mom when I see her in a few weeks during a much-too-quick visit home.
Would love to add to my list, especially after the week I've had. How do you commit yourself to joy?


Anonymous said...

I love this list. It's so on point. Like you, I commit myself by thanking God for ALL of my blessings, even the ones that don't seem so good and then I realize that whatever I'm going through is never as bad as it seems.

Allyson Reaves said...

Girl, tell it! I can't help but to think off all the catastrophic disasters going on all over the world...and still He spares me. All the poverty, abuse, and neglect very likely going on around the corner, and still He spares me.

Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." THAT's my joy, sis!

ShandART said...

Ditto! My joy is in God also. Anytime I start feeling down, I just start giving Thanks for all he's done for me. I know it will get better, I may not be able to see it all yet, but I will. Faith!

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