Sunday, May 8, 2011

If I were a Community Foundation President

I've been involved in community philanthropy since 2006 (entered the nonprofit sector a few years before), and I've gained a lot - it's what I know, and it's what I do. I've sacrificed a lot, too (family, community, personal life, etc). I've moved around quite a few times to chase the occupational ladder (South Carolina, NYC, Italy, Canada....) in a short time, and I've begun thinking on how my next transition could be a more permanent one. 

I'm thinking heavily about what it takes to lead a community foundation.  Whether its an older, asset heavy CF in the States, or a blossoming, passion-rich fund getting started in South America, I'm thinking and praying heavy on what the Lord has in store for me.

Some critics may argue that you need years in the field to take the helm of a foundation.  I couldn't disagree more.  With much purpose and intent, I've banged on this door of professional opportunites, secured the work visas, packed my bags, and shuffled from contract to contract to gain experience worth its substance in years. A community foundation doesn't need a leader with years' experience supporting why something shouldn't be needs a leader with vision, persistence, and resilience encouraging why a project should be attemped, and will be accomplished!

My mom always says to believe in what I want, and speak it.  So I am.

If I were a community foundation president, it would be in a diverse community where there is a democratic concern for equal well-being.  On second thought, if a community doesn't have this kind of culture, maybe it's EXACTLY where I need to be............

ciao y'all!

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