Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eight Weeks of Awesome begins again!

I am excited (and relieved!) that another Eight Weeks of Awesome is underway.  This has been the most motivating way to help me build a healthier, more organized, and overall happier life- it's GREAT - be sure to take a look at the blog!!!

The idea is for a bunch of us (around 20 friends) to put $25 in the challenge, and aim to win the whole pot.  We have to do a certain number of strength and cardio sessions per week, and meet a nutritional and financial daily goal.  Oh - and there's the mind and body requirement too, which is 90 minutes of activity per week also. Whoever logs in the most wins the kit and kaboodle

Daphna and Jill, two very detail-oriented ladies here in Ottawa, started the challenge last December, and I've been really good with it so far!  At first the challenge was getting all those workouts in a week, then the nutrition part was added, and now a financial goal is part of the daily log. 

They say that 21 days of doing something builds it into your routine, and since the challenges started, I floss, wear sunscreen, eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables, and meditate DAILY!!!!!!  It's been a gradual learning curve, but it's given me such balance - it's wonderful!

My nutritional goal for this challenge is to eat at least 1 gluten-free meal per day, and my financial goal is to allow myself no more than 2 unplanned purchases, also on a daily basis.  This is REALLY tough.  I was at the grocery store, and wanted to buy soooo many things - but because they weren't on my list, they weren't planned.  Uffa!  I did buy a bottle of salad dressing, which kept me under my limit.  This also goes for unplanned "drinks with friends" (no more than 2 drinks, or 1 drink, 1 food, or 2 foods and a water!, gum, coffees, magazines, a medium soup from my favorite soup shop (my weakness), makeup, and stuff on sale at Shoppers, our chain convenience store.  They had Aveeno lotion on sale yesterday, but looks like I have to plan in order to buy more than 2 bottles each day.  I won't need that much lotion, but I like to buy in bulk!!!

Anyhoo---will keep you posted on how the challenge goes.  Here's to keeping a nutritional, healthy, and financial focus :)

ciao y'all,

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