Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fashion Intervention 101

Over the weekend, us gals got together (we've humbly dubbed ourselves the PPC - Purple Power Center...sort of our she-woman alter egos.....) and had the first of what will likely be seasonal fashion wardrobe interventions. 

Our gal Ezzie (also my spunky funky roommate) is tremendously gifted with a diverse selection of garb - very colorful, feminine, with a bit of artsy hipster flare.  Unfortunately, she's suffers from what most women go through each morning....what to wear?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? 

So we set aside some time on Sunday to have a Fashion Intervention.......

First, brunch!  Jamie and Becky came over to a wonderfully healthy brunch of bagels, smoked salmon, and scrambled eggs.....delish!

Then the intervention began. 
  1. Ez and I had laid out her entire wardrobe in the living room.  Dressy tops hanging on a clothing rack, casual tops folded and laid out store-style according to color, skirts and pants laid out on the couch (solids arranged separte from patterns), 10-15 pairs of dress shoes in the corner, and an accessories station set up on a nearby table. 

  2. The girls had 20 minutes to piece together as many ensembles as possible, keeping Ez's objectives in mind (dress like she's an architect from Paris, encompassing a sexy and rock n' roll feel, and incorporating brilliant color and pattern combinations).

  3. Next, we had the pleasure of watching our gal strut her stuff in 40+ ensembles that we had assembled. It was GREAT!

Talk about an awesome way to spend a Sunday....
with friends, fashion, and lots of FUN!

Take a look at more photos here

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